A MASTERCLASS, a webseries of online consultancy, which offers to help new residents who cannot afford an architect but want to transform their micro-apartment or studio into the best possible space to live in.
Shot in 2021, this project offered so many challenges due to starting during the most difficult period of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil (April 2021). We shot almost everything remotely, offering directions to the hosts/presenters - one of them was really shy of the camera. It was an enormous challenge that I and a colleague (yes, a 2-persons crew) were able to pull-off.
Created by the architect Gláucio Gonçalves, with participation from the actor Homero Ligere. General direction and production by Nate Buzelli.
More info. at https://www.endofilmes.com.br/cai-pra-dentro and http://caipradentro.glauciogoncalves.com/